Saturday, August 23, 2008

Seriously? How Important Is Skin? Seriously!

Hey Everyone! Welcome to my Blog!

Everyday, we get up and face the day, hopefully we have a healthy breakfast and take our supplements b/c we know the earth doesn't provide all the nutrients and minerals and the such that we need to maintain our healthy bodies. At some point in the day, we go to the gym and work out (again to make our bodies strong and healthy).

But, before we do all this we brush our teeth and then jump into the shower (or if we are night shower-ers we at least wash our face). Now we are ready to apply our eye cream and moisturizers to our precious faces that we are hoping to preserve and at the same time keep our face healthy. Then we slather on lotions to the rest of our skin to hopefully keep it smooth, moisturized and healthy. Next, we put on our makeup. (I am assuredly missing some steps of our daily rituals).

Unfortunately, too many of us don't really think more than the above rituals regarding our most precious ORGAN our skin. We buy soaps and lotions for usually one reason, they smell good.

If you truly take the time to read the ingredient labels on the soaps and lotions before you purchase them - in fact all of the skin care products you buy and use (on the open market and otherwise), you will notice one thing that they all have in common and that is: ingredients we have a hard time pronouncing.

These lists of ingredients start out sometimes with things we recognize and then goes into all these crazy things that we aren't sure what they are much less trying to pronounce them. These additives are preservatives, colorants, un-natural scents that smell good, chemicals to make the product certain textures and on and on. Yes, they are all chemicals that go into your largest organ. They go right in.

The other thing you may have noticed is that your skin still doesn't feel as moisturized and smooth as you would like afterward. You may have noticed after time goes on you have a film in your bathtub that can be hard to removed? That's from un-natural bath soaps.

After bathing and slathering moisturizers on my skin, I still felt somewhat dry and my legs looked like alligator skin very cracked and dry. My skin even felt itchy and bumpy in places - like on the back of my arms. If I was lucky enough to find a moisturizer that seemed to help it would leave a nice sheen to my skin but it was greasy and slippery and didn't go into my skin. The moisturizers that would go into my skin had to be reapplied several times in between my showers. Ugh!

As far as soap I had decided years ago that bar soap was not for me and I always looked for a fluffy, airy, moisturizing Body Wash. But it never really felt great, it smelled great but that was all. I tried everything!

After thousands of dollars spent through the years my life, I mean my skin finally changed. I was introduced to Organics! I ordered from someone at Etsy some natural bar soap and some Organic Lotion. The soap didn't feel that wonderful on my dry skin, but the lotion felt really awesome!! I couldn't believe it. That's when I decided to switch my search for soap from un-natural to Organic. I just knew something was out there for me that would do what I wanted.

I want you to know my skin is very sensitive too, the wrong product and I would break into an itching frenzy. That's when I discovered African Black Soap and Unrefined African Shea Butter. I ordered it and tried it. I liked the soap but my skin still felt dry afterward. I really liked the Shea Butter, but I put so much on I became slippery again!! Then the light bulb went off! Why not take the African Black Soap and African Shea Butter and put them together. I melted the Shea Butter into the Black Soap and came up with the perfect mixture that made the best soap I have ever tried! It's like a miracle! For real!! I'm over the moon with it.

This mixture of the two Organics makes a wonderfully luxurious bar soap. (Remember, I gave up bar soap years ago?) It smells very fresh and earthy, I didn't add anything to make it smell like flowers (although for those people that love flowery smells I plan to add Scented Essential Oils as an option). Some people wash their hair with it and have reported their hair to come out lush and beautiful afterwards. I personally wouldn't suggest it if you have any color on your hair unless you use a good conditioner afterwards.

My Results:

My skin for the first time felt smooth and moisturized after bathing, without leaving any type residue. It rinses clean and your body feels squeaky clean. I actually look forward to my showers. I even use it on my face. It works really well for sensitive skin and acne pron skin as well. It takes off makeup like a dream too! The African Black Soap is a very healing soap. If you have a rash or if you have itchy skin it will help to clear that up.

The African Shea Butter is the ultimate healer too! I melt that down and put in pure 100 IU of Natural Vitamin E Oil and use that on sun spots. That was another great find! My sun spots started getting lighter from the first day of use!! I was amazed and they are getting lighter and lighter daily to where you almost can't see them any more. I use this all over my body in small amounts; around my eyes, creases and wrinkles, chest and neck, hormonal spots, cuticles, dark spots, lips and MORE! That was exciting too.

Then the next thing I tried was making a lotion with all Organics and adding in the Shea Butter. Another amazing discovery!! I had tried Organic Lotion from a seller on Etsy, but not with the Organic African Shea Butter in it and I saw even better results. AMAZING!! My skin has changed from alligator skin to looking more youthful and moist with a gorgeous sheen to it without feeling oily or greasy! I decided to make it scented and unscented. The scented is with the Organic Essential Oils not to change the natural properties.

I decided to find a natural way to make an SPF Lotion too - scented with Organic Essential Oils and unscented for the more sensitive skin.

So, my point is to take care of your skin, remember it as your largest organ and put only natural products on it. Your skin will thank you in ways you never imagined. It took me 30 years to find this out. I always thought I'd try this and that and I'd order from Infomercials and HSN anything that they would say would work this way and that - never really seeing results! Until I gave Organic products a chance and I can't tell you how happy I did! I look and feel younger even my trouble areas from sun damage like my neck and chest, wow! Take care of you skin, it will most def take care of you!

Email me for more info on my products (that are made with love to share with all that take a chance on them, seriously).

~ Marla

Simple Organic Beauty

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